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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Twenty tips and how to be an ideal mother

Women's careers in the bonds of love in marriage, motherhood and career, the shells of families by the different roles of women warm dynamic, loving mother and the displaced. To maintain equality between all these, sometimes very boring and monotonous. Often consider what would be the ideal role of mother to her children be.

The twenty tips are very useful, an ideal mother.


1.QualityTime with children:

Twenty tips and how to be an ideal mother

Despite the fact that many women working in the commitment to extend their valuable time with their children. If not regularly, sometimes in school, evenings for parents to sit with them during their studies, companies dance classes, painting competitions, swim club for children, etc., should be accept the fact that the company did not remove the nut. Occasionally buy gifts for them, because they needsensitive.

2. They independently:

At the beginning of the school to learn at their own work. For example, you can tie the laces of their shoes, wear their own clothes, made in the case and put the lunchbox in his pocket. As we grow, teaching them to work. Mutual aid is the best, and which should be engraved in my head.

3. Mannerism Teaching:

Teach them the ways of the elderly and others.Power of Social and observe their behavior in social gatherings. Here, if you want to restore the confidence level, the increase together with a clear mixture.

4. Be friendly with them:

Mothers and children is closely linked with respect to the information related. Exchange ideas with them to brag to your office colleagues and it was their experience of teachers and friends. Do not engage in other activities to shareDetails of children, as in this case, they feel neglected and, instead of using the company to be replaced.

5. Enter the value of his opinion:

It has been shown that any decision, be it a strategically important or trivial, children do not attend to participate in decision-making. This is false. To encourage more participation in decision making. Early in childhood, when theIn this exercise, you will probably be the decision of young people, and even then the rest of his life. If you buy a school bag or go to the movies, when the decision it is to understand the role and participate, you can say the same thing.

6. Show them that in

If the child is not the desired result, try to teach them is that you do the same.Whatever the case, because it can be difficult when you want to succeed in all cases do - the confidence to build in their minds. Presumably, if the child is not to extend a test, and the father of the console support, and say words of comfort to his defeat or failure of the stage. Learn the story of Robert Bruce and the spider at the same time so they understand that the column does not a success.

7. Create your ownAttention will feel:

Teach them to focus on the angle. If you agree that this is worse than any other. If someone complains without cause or protest, moreover, as some friends of bad manners, teach them, but not literally, he bowed his head. Teach them not to do damage in the eyes.

8. If you need, you need a tutor:

If necessary, to punish, but not harddrive. Do not say bad words, to demoralize them, and they are also discouraged. If they are punished, then you need to know about ourselves. In this way, they will be punished because they are accustomed. Consequently, they will surely avoid the problem, the penalty was for them.

9. Listen carefully:

Each time your time with them, no matter that even a short period of time that each note of eachWord to your friends, teachers, what they treat you at school, playground, did you listen to, etc., while watching television, or between other plants. In this way, children, it means no sense for them, and they lose their enthusiasm for sharing his thoughts with you.

10. Share your concerns:

Please share your problems with your children, if they do not make this bad situationEnvironment. For example, if you criticized by the supervisor, colleagues jealous of advertising, graphic design, or the workload on some occasions, the non-programmed activities, support, parts, etc., do not just say, but only the extracts. In this way, to sympathize with you and will not be an ideal support system for them. If you find that you share your feelings with them, sharing their thoughts to overcome loneliness.

11. Praisestilted:

Remember to take the kids know if they work well, with the exception of extracurricular activities like sports, dance competitions and contests for training. Make them aware that because of talent, even if it is implemented, it is irrelevant. Praise in front of strangers. In this way, children are encouraged and confidence to be maximized. But it is very important to always remember thatnot too much praise in the shower, the arrogant. We must be careful to support, to maintain their level of performance to the best of their ability.

12. Eat a healthy relationship with your spouse

Do not argue or create a scene of children. This can be a bad example. Children, as parents and do not want to fight. If this kind of atmosphere in the house, they feelfinally revealed and stubborn. If there is no difference in opinions on all matters amicably, without the knowledge of children. peaceful and healthy environment is a key factor in welfare.

13. teaching them to avoid frustration:

Children for many reasons and frustrations during this period, mothers love more than anything else. This role is a loving mother to help her. In childhoodThe struggle of the children with friends can be reprimanded by teachers at school, not too good, and all the results and the smiles on their faces, evaporation, and the work is here, the reasons for their dark faces, and propose a solution they are strong mentally.

14. Express love for children:

"I love you beta," the central message, they are still singing, even the themes of Nice. Talkcute, hug, kiss on the forehead and plants within a day. A closer relationship between mothers and children in the mental health facility. The error should not be glorified, not too risky, so they criticize unhappy. Instead, with a smile and patted her back, mothers teach them the reason for their mistakes and solutions, to give confidence to children. it must be true, your love and affection of children, the conditions could not be found. E "to do so. For example, that children do not mean that "if the test is a long cycle." This is usually, but they are the expression is not a standard love. Children take the opposite path. E to "explain to those who love animals and their mothers.

15. Moral Development:

Since childhood, mothers of moral development. They should be taught not to touchthe body through the feet of elderly age, does not extend to lying to others, do not do things to hurt others without their knowledge. If children of this error is the moral obligation to report against them, do not do this, of course, the words of consolation. A good atmosphere in the future life depends on this quality developed and built in the early stages of life.

16. Do not lose your patience

Talk to your children orAlthough the loss and replacement of all types of communication with them, be patient. One might think that children are much more irregular than adults. So, if children are not able to understand communication in the first instance, do not complain, but to repeat the whole process explained, slowly and with confidence that they will not be free, if you are looking for. It is important to the vision of education. RegisterSo no need to understand, he said that every theme over and over again without waiting.

17. Your support system:

When children grow up is that the responsibility does not work. This is an ongoing process. If you grow, extend support and cooperation with them. You must ensure that you are there, if you have a great need. It should ensure that their childhood, a crisis, they are stillthem.

18. Time management for self-employed:

Press very shortly, and barriers to daily life. You're in the profession, a mother and a woman on top, but do after all these roles, we define the cooling period of at least 30-40 minutes a day for themselves. It's the only time in reading novels, visiting a beauty salon for makeup, invite friends to tea, or just relaxHome.

It has also invested in a program of creative work. be motivated in this way, and how young children will follow in his footsteps.

19. Give them sex education should be, and:

In childhood, especially in the scene they are young adequate sex education. Do not give vague answers to questions because it makes them vulnerable to unnecessary questions and answers do not make you happierCurious gradually. It was found that mothers generally circumventing the purpose of clarification of sex education, leaving only vague answers and waffles.

Mothers need to improve the quality of education to overcome the sexual curiosity.

20. Mothers should be role models:

Children are imitators. What to see and learn to respect it in all actions and decisions on appropriate action on your part. Before you preach, make dangerous. For example, ifIf you're a late riser, you can not say that the theory of the child "get up early to bed early." If you want to educate, share things with others "in the first place that has to do with children to share and learn from you. When someone visits the home every assistance to cover children. Seeing this, the child will step in and look at myself as a model.

Twenty tips and how to be an ideal mother

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